To provide hope for healing, freedom from life’s hurts & traumas, renewed purpose for living enabling you to be all God created you to be.
To prepare the Church to be a spotless Bride, ready for her Bridegroom, our Lord Jesus Christ, through a Holy Spirit led integrated approach to healing. To bring healing, equipping, training and teaching to individuals and groups so the freedom that Jesus paid for on the cross can become an experiential reality on a daily basis in our relationships with God and others at home, work and church.
Qualified Healing House Network Ministers have undertaken extensive training and are regularly evaluated and updated to ensure consistent standards of ministry.
Ministry is available as:
- Issue-Focussed Ministry (3 hours focussing on a single issue)
- Thorough Format Ministry (15 hours going deep and wide)
For more information on current Healing House Ministers, please visit:
Healing and
Freedom Book

Restoring The

Issue Focus
Receivers Guide

Transforming Your
Business Book

Healing and
Freedom Book

Issue-Focused Ministry Training Guidebook

Issue Focus
Minister Guide

Memory Stick
With Teachings


Preparation Bundle

For resource prices, send an email to: info@rtfsa.co.za
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RTF Southern Africa appreciates your support and interest in our work.
For Ministers in your area, send an email:
Email: info@rtfsa.co.za
Also visit the following website for more info:
Website: www.restoringthefoundations.org
Team Evaluation
Healing and Freedom: Shed Your Baggage, Unmask The Lies, Experience Lasting Healing and Freedom
:: By Restoring The Foundations, International
Its Time for Deep and Permanent Healing and Freedom
Have you wondered why all of your problems did not instantly go away the moment you accepted Jesus into your life?
Do you find yourself struggling with sin patterns that you cannot overcome?
- Have you experienced hurts that keep you from living the life you desire?
- Do you find yourself wondering if this is all there is to the abundant life that Jesus promised?
- If you answered Yes to any or all of these questions, There Is Hope!
In Healing and Freedom, you will discover how the Integrated Approach, pioneered by Restoring The Foundations founders Chester and Betsy Kylstra, is vital to unlocking deep and permanent healing and freedom for yourself and your family.
The purpose of this Receiver’s Guide is to prepare you to receive Restoring the Foundations (RTF) Issue-Focused Ministry (IFM). This will normally occur in your Church approved ministry room where you will receive one session of ministry. This ministry is intended to accomplish several things. KNOWING GOD’S PROMISES First, we want you to be familiar with the scriptures which are the basis of the healing and freedom you will receive. We want you to know God’s promises to you. We want you to know the conditions that come with many of His promises. Then you can choose to meet the conditions so that you can receive His promises. You can trust and expect God to do His part as you do yours.
MINISTRY QUESTIONNAIRE Secondly, a Ministry Personal Questionnaire (PQ) accompanies this Guide. Please fill it out after reading this Receiver’s Guide. It will help you prepare to receive effective ministry from your Minister. It will help him/her focus more thoroughly on your issue. The Personal Questionnaire (PQ) should be ‘tucked’ into the center of this Guide. If it isn’t there, please ask your Minister to provide you with one.
MINISTRY PROCESS Thirdly, this Receiver’s Guide contains an explanation of the four problem/ministry areas. It contains information about the ministry process you will be going through, including the ministry steps that will be used. We want you to know what to expect as you go for your RTF Issue-Focused Ministry.
Restoring the Foundations, An Integrated Approach To Healing Ministry – Second Edition
:: By Chester and Betsy Kylstra.
Deep and permanent healing and freedom can be yours! Through the finished work of Jesus Christ, under the direction and anointing of the Holy Spirit, you can be free of those problems that are attempting to hinder, oppress, and destroy you and your family. Restoring the Foundations explains the four ministry areas:
- Sins of the Fathers and Resulting Curses
- Ungodly Beliefs
- Soul/Spirit Hurts
- Demonic Oppression
When you read this book you will learn:
- The basics for effective ministry in these four areas
- Why these areas must be ministered to in an integrated manner.
- Why ignoring any one of these areas can undermine your total healing
- How and why the Integrated Approach to Healing Ministry sets you free.
This book is our primary resource for training Restoring the Foundations ministry teams.
Transforming Your Business – How to change your organization for good.
:: By Chester and Betsy Kylstra.
Are you troubled by any of these problems?
- Employee problem?
- Customers leaving?
- Government problems?
- Can’t find financing?
- Expenses out of control?
- Losing money?
If you suspect that you and your organization are being hindered or stolen from in ways you don’t know or understand; if you have problems that seem unsolvable, this book is for you.
– You will learn about the five negative spiritual roots underlying all problems and how to remove their effects.
– You will learn to apply Transforming Your Business principles to free your business into your organizational destiny.